Sunday, 11 February 2018

We all Deserve Styrofoam Cup

There was a former undersecretary of defense of United States; he was invited to a conference to give the speech at a large conference about thousand peoples. He was standing at the stage with his prepared remarks and PowerPoint presentation holding his cup of coffee in the Styrofoam cup.
 He took a sip of the coffee and looks down to the Styrofoam cup and smiled and went off script and said.
“Last year I spoke at the same conference and last year as I was still the undersecretary they flew me here business class, and when I arrived at the airport there was someone waiting for me at the airport, they took me to my hotel and they already checked me in and they just took me to my room. Next morning when I came downstairs there was someone waiting for me in the lobby, they greet me and they drove me here to the same venue. They took me from the back entrance and took me to the green room and someone handed me a cup of coffee in the beautiful ceramic cup.”
He then said: “I am no longer the undersecretary I took the coach and flew here by economy class. I took a taxi to the hotel and checked myself in, there is no one waiting for me in the lobby today morning and I took another taxi and come to this venue. I came from the front door and found my way to backstage and asked someone do you have a coffee and someone pointed me at the coffee machine at the corner, I pour my coffee by myself in this Styrofoam cup.”
He said “The lesson is ceramic cup was never meant for me it was for the position I held. I deserve a Styrofoam cup”
Remember this as you gain fame, as you gain fortune, as you gain position and seniority
People will treat you better they will hold doors open for you, they will get you a cup of tea or coffee without you even asking, they will call you Sir and Mam and will give you stuff.
None of that stuff is meant for you, it is for the position you hold because of your cusses or the position but you will always deserve a Styrofoam cup.
Remember that lesson of gratitude you can take all the free stuff and parks absolutely you can enjoy them but just be grateful for them and know that they are not for you. You always deserve a Styrofoam cup.

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