Acid Test of Technology
Drawbacks of communication devices

If we count the benefits in comparison to the drawbacks of modern communication devices we can find that it is impacting the society in the harsher manner. The new generation is spending more times on internet rather on physical activity and enjoying time with family. It’s been observed that during the family gathering like dining out, picnic and many other family activity peoples don’t talk to each other rather using mobile phones or tables.
This is creating the communication gap between parents and the children even with the friends. Peoples seem to prefer message and commenting on someone’s status rather enjoying the current moment. We can not only blame the children’s but also to parents who also seen doing more often the same activities like calling the office college, checking emails or sending WhatsApp messages and not giving time to their family.
Parents are the Cog in the machine of the family system they don’t understand the hitches of not giving time to family, they sometimes are present physically but are not mentally present and not listening to the children and in the reaction, they welt left alone and sometimes feel distressed.
This is creating the bad impact on the children’s brain and as an escape, they tend to find some other resources to talk and to express their feeling.
These small things which are ignored by most elders are creating the communication gap and a result children’s search and make friends on Facebook, Instagram and other mediums with the peoples whom they didn’t know and don’t know their intentions which sometimes lead to the very agonizing condition. These activities can lead to some criminal activity involving their children like child abduction, child pornography and many more. These causes result in children leaving their home and often lead to drug addiction and also to suicide.
It’s my humble request to parents to please give a necessary time to their family.
One last tip of advice.
“When the family is going for a dinner all of the family members must keep all the mobiles in the car so they can enjoy the quality time and laughter can be exchanged”.
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