Saturday 19 September 2020

Respecting Teachers


Aristotle once said: 

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” 

Once In the public court of Germany  a person who was charged with wrong parking was brought for the trails.The magistrate asked the person why did he park at the wrong place? .The person replied “I am a teacher and I was getting late for my class and didn’t get the right spot so by mistake I parked the car at the wrong place.” After hearing the man’s response, the magistrate and whole of the court stand up from their benches and magistrate  apologized for the inconvenience caused and dismissed the case. He ordered the local government to pay the fine on behalf of the teacher.

This small lessons teaches us the nations who are respectable in the world, respects their teachers.

This is the reason why they are far ahead of us. Those nations who do not respect their teachers have a dark future.

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